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14 June 2013

MSH Blog Tour: Week 3 - Routine

This week's theme: Describe your writing routine.  Are you more creative in the morning, evening?  Do you write when you can?  On your commute?  Do you have your own workspace or share an area?


I use to have a writing routine, but since I started my new job, it has gotten all turned around. It has been worse lately, since I am trying to get a freelance writing career going and more.

After my full-time teaching job ended in July of 2012, it was a few months before I found another one. During that time, I developed a routine. The morning was set aside for housework, whatever emails I needed to answer, Facebook, and so on. Then it was lunch. Around one or two in the afternoon I would go up the roof of our condo building, which has tables and chairs and a nice view of town. If it was too windy or hot, I'd go out onto the balcony. I would then write for at least an hour, sometimes more. I usually did novel writing and blogging during this time. After doing this for a couple of months I got use to writing in the afternoon. As long as my chores were done, I had the afternoons free to work. 

In October, I got a part-time teaching job, this time at a private company teaching English to students, both kids and adults. At first it was great, because the classes were in the late afternoon, which left the mornings free. But I came to learn that my prime writing time was in mid-to late afternoon, right at the time I needed to get ready for work. Because I have to commute, sometimes I need to leave two hours before class actually starts. My writing began to suffer. Compounding the problem is that I don't teach at the same time every day; sometimes class begins at 3:30 and the next day's class may start at seven. It changes every day and every week. A few weeks ago, I have attempted to start a freelance writing career, as well as being hired by In Genre to write a monthly Star Trek column. This has led to more writing, but not on my novel.

I'm in the midst of trying to get a regular writing schedule made. I'm not a person who handles change well, I like having routines and doing things at set times. Hopefully I'll develop a plan soon.

Oh, and to answer the workspace question: I either write on the roof, the balcony, or at the living room table. The table is low and we have a sofa and chair, both are legless. Mostly I sit on the floor.

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