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28 March 2014

Five Items, One Million Dollars

This week’s prompt is: 5 Items you would buy with a million dollars. This one is fairly simple.
The first four things I’d buy are houses: one for me and my wife, one for her parents, one for my mom, and one for my dad.
Don’t ask me style or anything, that is too much planning and detail I can’t think about at the moment. Yoko and I currently live in a condo. It’s nice but somewhat small. I do know that whatever floor plan we would come up with, my house MUST have a man cave. Yoko had never heard of this term until a couple of years ago. Being the geek that I am, I need my own little space to hang my Morning Musume poster (which I’d get framed) and put up my figures. My cave would double as my writing space with a nice desk and chair. FYI, I currently sit on the floor to do most of my writing, just like I am now as I am writing this blog.
My in-laws’s house is over 30 years old and I know they love to renovate it. I’d like to get them the house they want.
My mom currently lives in a mobile home, so a nice house would be good. Especially one with a basement since Alabama is prone to tornados.
My dad lives in Florida and I’d love to get him a nice house to call his own.
What’s my fifth item to spend my million dollars on? A custom fit, screen accurate Star Trek: First Contact Captain Picard uniform. Because I’m a Trekkie.
As always, thanks for reading.

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