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16 January 2018

Plans For 2018

Hello readers. I hope everyone had a happy new year and a merry Christmas. I thought I had done a post about my New Year's resolutions but it seems I hadn't, so this will be about this years resolutions for 2018.

My first resolution was to study Japanese more. I have gotten out of the habit of studying and I need to study a little bit at least every day. I have been in Japan quite a while but my Japanese skills are still low. I have no one to blame but myself for that. I'm hoping the combination of my Genki textbooks and the DuoLingo app will help me.

Another resolution was to study Klingon. I'm hoping that by studying another language I want to learn, the excitement will help me also study Japanese as well. I'm not sure how many Klingon speakers are in Japan but I'll give it a try.

I have a resolution to publish my Adventure Hunters sequel book, titled Time Judged All, this year. I have finished the first draft and I'm aiming for a fall or winter publish date. I feel this book will be much better than Similitude and I am looking forward to you reading it.

The other resolution is to join the 501st Legion as a TIE fighter special forces pilot from The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. I had originally planned to join as Kylo Ren but the costume was much more complicated and intricate than I had expected. Because most of that is cloth, it would mean a lot of sewing. Plus I had originally wanted an armored costume for the 501st but I didn't want to be a stormtrooper because there are so many stormtroopers in the 501st.

Those are my plans for 2018. As always thanks for reading.

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